My baby is fussy and refuses to feed, when checked, white patches were there on the tongue and inner cheeks; this was the common issue faced by many parents.
First of all, what is Oral thrush?
Oral thrush is a yeast infection of the tongue and mouth, which is common in babies, children, and older adults. This thrush is caused by a type of fungus called Candida.
Do you want to know the appearance of oral thrush? Let’s check out: Usually it is white or yellowish-white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, and top palate of the mouth. Those white patches cannot be removed or loosen when wiped or rinsed with water.
Do not panic, know the causes of oral thrush:
- Generally, in younger babies, the infection can be passed between a mother and baby during breastfeeding.
- Candida growth can happen if the baby is given antibiotics for a bacterial infection recently or if the mother has had antibiotics and has been breastfeeding the baby. Antibiotics can harm the good bacterium which leads to the development of yeast infection.
- Frequent uses of a pacifier.
- If a child has a weaker immune system
- Use of steroid medicines.
- Thrush passes through the birth canal of a mother, the vagina often has small amounts of candida naturally.
Symptoms of Oral Thrush:
- As I earlier mentioned it is white or yellowish-white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, and top palate of the mouth.
- Some babies have pain and some don’t.
- Babies find it difficult to swallow and refuses to feed.
- Younger babies show fussiness and colic due to discomfort caused by thrush.
- Children report soreness or burning in their mouth.
- Toddlers or children experience bad taste or develop loss of taste.
- Sometimes slight bleeding is visible.
What are the symptoms faced by breastfeeding mother:
If the baby or mother get infected, the cycle of transmission is possible. In that case, both you and your baby should get treated.
- You may feel your nipples are sore and red.
- Burning sensation in or around your nipples.
- Flaking skin around your nipples.
- Pain in your breasts, during and after breastfeeding.
Consult a doctor if your child:
- Is younger and has a fever of more than 100°F.
- Has symptoms that don’t get better.
- Stops eating or drinking.
- Any other symptoms which are bothering the child.
The white patches in the mouth can be like other health conditions too. Make sure you check with the doctor for further diagnosis.
- Generally, doctors suggest an antifungal solution, which is applied by painting it on the inside of the mouth and tongue.
- For breastfeeding, mother antifungal ointment is provided to apply on your nipples.
- For toddlers or children, adding yogurt to their diet helps. Yogurt which generally contains lactobacilli is beneficial. Usually, a healthy immune system and some good bacteria control the amount of fungus in the body.
- With doctors’ consultation provide immunity-boosting syrup depending on the child’s age.
- If you are giving formula feed or giving a pacifier, thoroughly clean the nipples and pacifiers in hot water or a dishwasher after each use. And also toys to be sterilized which they generally puts in mouth. This helps, if there’s yeast on the nipple, toys, or pacifier, your baby won’t be reinfected.
- Do not store used milk, discard, and prepare freshly each time.
- Older children provide a nutritious diet.
- Practice good oral hygiene by brushing teeth twice a day.
- Replace toothbrush after the treatment of oral thrush.
- Check whether your child washes his or her hands often.
- Wash drinking bottles and cups using warm water and soap after each use.
- For breastfeeding mother, wipe your nipple with warm water before and after feeding and keep your nipples clean and dry between feedings. Usually, moisture creates favorable conditions for fungus to grow, hence wear breathable inner wear.
Dear MoMsters I hope after reading this article, you can handle the symptoms of oral thrush and please do prevent before it affects your child.