
Good to remember these tips about Breastfeeding !!

Hey Momsters,

I have tried to cover all the points about Breastfeeding. If you need any other topic to be posted, please do post the name of the topic in the comment box.

I believe you have gone through the other three articles about breastfeeding which explains about breastfeeding, benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby and Natural ways to increase breastmilk.

There are few tips which will be helpful to know. They are as follows :

  • Good latch allows your body to produce the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. Make sure you are holding your baby in the correct position, try offering by sitting upright with your back supported and raise the child level using a pillow. Mom can also try C shape pillow for feeding on the lap. 

C Pillow Breastfeeding

  •  Holding your baby in the correct position will avoid trapping of gas in baby tummy. 


  • Do not give cow’s milk to your baby till they turn 1 year old, because its protein is very difficult to digest by thNo Cow Milke little kidney. 


  • No for bottle feed, bottle nipples are suspected for lots of infection as well as the gas filled in the No to Bottlebottle leads to stomach upset for the little wonders. 


  • Don’t think you can’t breastfeed if you go back to work. Many mothers expressing the milk using a variety of breast pumps available inBreastpump the market and feed with sterilized bowl-spoon.


  • To check whether the infant got sufficient breast milk, just observe per day how many times they wet their cloth. During day time better don’t use a diaper, the cloth is the best way to check. wet diaper
    If the child passes 6 to 8 wet diaper then that should be enough.
    You can reassure the weight gain for every vaccination visit.

These tips are to help you with a few more unsaid suggestions that are ignored or unknown but are very important.

Happy Breastfeeding! 🙂


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