Postpartum (after childbirth) Depression

Precaution and Care after Caesarean Delivery

Post-delivery, every mother looks forward to meeting the soul she carried in her womb for nine months. Many women opt for a caesarean section, willingly or unwillingly. It is a procedure that requires time to recover. The following tips might help in a quick recovery. Plenty of rest Caesarean section, being a major surgery, requires […]

Precaution and Care after Caesarean Delivery Read More »

Why should babies not be given water for the first six months?

The baby should only be fed breast milk for the first six months since breast milk contains an adequate amount of water. Breast milk has a water content of over 80%. Start nursing the infant even while they are having hiccups, and then properly burp the child for at least 8 to 10 minutes. (A

Why should babies not be given water for the first six months? Read More »

Tips & Diet Plan For A New Mother.

Hey Dear New Mom’s generally after child birth women required extra care. Preserve your body heat. Post delivery, women are requested to cover their head with scarf the whole day according to Indian tradition. This is because generally the body heat is lost primarily, covering your head is believed to keep you warm and protect

Tips & Diet Plan For A New Mother. Read More »

Child Care Management During Postpartum Depression.

Dear parents stay positive. Your child will consider you as a role model and will cultivate habits by just watching you. Be cautious about your behavior in front of your child. Some children find themselves less attached to their parents and feel insecure just because of negative emotions shown by their parents. Parents should respond

Child Care Management During Postpartum Depression. Read More »

Do you have any of these symptoms ? Read, how can you cope with PPD

As discussed in the previous post, you would have been familiar with the term Postpartum Depression by now. Now, the question is how can someone know if they or others are suffering from PPD? Let’s see in the symptoms section. Symptoms of postpartum depression: It typically lasts from a few hours to several days to

Do you have any of these symptoms ? Read, how can you cope with PPD Read More »

Mother is sad due to post partum depression

Heard of Postpartum Depression ? It is not that scary as it sounds .. !!

Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki……….Kahani Har Ghar Ki (Story of every home, story of every woman) Hello Dear Momsters, We are here, again with a very strong topic that has a greater impact on mothers but most of the people including moms are unaware of this fact!! That is “POSTPARTUM (After Childbirth) DEPRESSION” First of all,

Heard of Postpartum Depression ? It is not that scary as it sounds .. !! Read More »